Now find us on Social Media
Wishing you a very happy & blessed Christmas, filled with the peace, joy & love of our new-born Saviour. May God grant you good health & many graces in 2025, which we celebrate as the Jubilee of Hope. Be assured that we continue to keep your intentions very much in our prayers.
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) December 24, 2024
Today, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations and we pray particularly for vocations to our own Carmel in Wolverhampton, that our Risen Saviour may be pleased to send us young women filled with the love of God, the Church and prayer.
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) April 21, 2024
Happy Easter to all our friends and followers! Wishing you many special joys and blessings this Eastertide. Alleluia! The Lord is risen!
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) March 31, 2024
"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" (Psalm 118:24)
Times for our services for the Easter Triduum:
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) March 28, 2024
Maundy Thursday - 5 pm Holy Mass
Good Friday - 9 am Tenebrae, 3 pm Solemn Liturgy
Holy Saturday - 9 am Tenebrae, 8 pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday - 10 am Holy Mass
Wishing everyone a very happy & grace-filled Christmas & many joys & blessings in 2024. May our New-born Saviour enfold you in His tender love & mercy & His blessed Mother reveal those wondrous things which she treasured & pondered in her heart. Know you are always in our prayers
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) December 25, 2023
On 7th July we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Religious Profession of our Reverend Mother Prioress, Sr Bernadette of Jesus. Below is a link to the video of the Holy Mass (main celebrant Archbishop Bernard Longley) in which Our Mother renewed her vows.
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) July 20, 2023
Wishing all our friends, followers & benefactors a very happy & blessed Solemnity of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. We will be holding you all very much in prayer during our day of public adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, finishing with Vespers & Benediction at 4.30 pm.
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) July 16, 2023
On this World Day for Consecrated Life, we would like to highlight our recently uploaded video of the Celebratory Mass for the Diamond Jubilee of one of our Wolverhampton Carmel sisters. Please find it on our website (videos page) or directly on YouTube at
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) February 2, 2023
WINTER 2024,2025...
The Last Supper.
Bread and Wine.
Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying!
With a very heavy heart 2024 has turned out to be a very turbulent year of terrible events(Terrible heat waves, weather extremes,unrest,wars(WW 3??) and other events happening throughout the year.) that is shaking our civilization to the core. Manmade and Natural Disasters?? I am afraid that 2025 and beyond will be even worse with more terrible events both man-made and natural disasters, that will continue to plunge our civilization into the New Dark Ages in the next few years!
Pray for peace!!
The last 4 years is any indication we are in deep trouble as a civilization from 2025... onward?
Pray for peace!!
Updated Prayer Request.
Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying!
Received sad news today( July 18.2024 that we lost a very close friend of ours.Life is so short!
PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY with us for God's Healing and Protecting Peace Now and in the Days ahead...Long Term! Still recovering from events in our personal lives of Family, Friends, Deaths(loss of our only son) and other sorrows and hardships from the past and Now! Pray for God's healing and protecting peace Now and in the days ahead... ,2025...Eternal Rest. Especially in the terrible(New Dark Ages) times(2020's) in which we are living in with the ongoing events.
Pray for Peace!!!
Long Term Prayer Request for God's Healing and Protecting Peace in the months ahead?? Christmas;Christmas 2024.2025....
PLEASE PASS ON TO OTHERS who can pray with us daily in the Worldwide Community of Prayer. Urgent! Long term!!
In His Eternal Rest.
Bill and Carol. oh. usa
we are great fans of st therese if kiseaux and one of our friends is a carmekite monk
coul you pray for my partner of 34 years chris loosenore wgo is 77 and suffering with his mind and heakth
thankyou and peace be with you
If healing can be sent, then below is my distant healing request and details.
My name is Jason Scott
My email is
I have been through cancer treatment which has left me with some side effects, these are severe shortness of breath, tiredness, pains in the joints, poor memory. also I have torn the cartilage in my left knee and right knee and I have severe facial spasms. can you send me as much healing as possible please. thanks
I also have heart failure which affects my breathing as well.
could you send me healing on a regular basis, hopefully every day and if possible could you send me healing long term.
could you also send healing over the christmas and new year period as well. thanks
could you email me back to acknowledge that this email has been received. thanks
If you could agree to help me this would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance
Please pray for conversion and eternal salvation of Mr. Kishore Gandhi. For him to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He is terminally ill.
My name is Marcin. I've been sick for over 15 years. It's a chronic GI problem and also a genetic one. I also suffer from chronic sinusitis and possible cheek bone infection. Please pray for me.
Please also pray for Catalina who suffers from throat cancer.
May God Bless you abundantly.
For the health of elderly father Jan, the soul of mother Jane and godmother Jolana.
I'm suffering persecution
That my 18 year old daughter Susanna who has significant eating issues will be able to eat healthy foods that she currently finds to be repulsive. That her eating issues will be healed.
She has been suffering since she was 2 years old. Thank you!
Updated Urgent Prayer Request!!
Winter, Saint Valentine's Day Ash Wed. Holy Week Spring, Summer 2024...??
Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying!
With a very heavy heart 2023 has turned out to be a very turbulent year of terrible events(Terrible heat waves, weather extremes,unrest,wars and other events happening throughout the year.) that is shaking our civilization to the core. Manmade and Natural Disasters?? I am afraid that 2024 will be even worse with more terrible events both man-made and natural disasters, that will continue to plunge our civilization into the New Dark Ages.
Pray for peace!
The last 3 years is any indication we are in deep trouble as a civilization from 2024,2025... onward?
Pray for peace!!
Winter, Spring, Summer 2024....??
Updated Prayer Request.
Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying!
Please continue to pray with us for God's Healing and Protecting Peace Now and in the Days ahead...Long Term! Still recovering from events in our personal lives of Family, Friends, Deaths(loss of our only son) and other sorrows and hardships from the past and Now! Pray for God's healing and protecting peace Now and in the days ahead... 2024,2025...Eternal Rest. Especially in the terrible(New Dark Ages) times(2020's) in which we are living in with the ongoing events.
Long Term Prayer Request for God's Healing and Protecting Peace in the months ahead?? Winter, Spring, Summer 2024..??
Please pass on to others to pray in the Worldwide Community of Prayer. Urgent! Long term!!
In His Eternal Rest.
Bill and Carol. oh. usa
Thank you and God love you.
I'm suffering persecution
Fall, Christmas, Winter 2023, 2024...??
Community of Prayer,
With a very heavy heart 2023 is turning out to be a very turbulent year of terrible events(Terrible heat waves, weather extremes,unrest,wars and other events happening now) that is shaking our civilization to the core. Manmade and Natural Disasters??
Pray for peace!
The last 3 years is any indication we are in deep trouble as a civilization from 2023 onward?
Pray for peace!!
Fall, Winter 2023, 2024....??
Updated Prayer Request.
Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying!
Please continue to pray with us for God's Healing and Protecting Peace Now and in the Days ahead...Long Term! Still recovering from events in our personal lives of Family, Friends Deaths(loss of our only son) and other sorrows and hardships from the past and Now! Pray for God's healing and protecting peace Now and in the days ahead... Fall, Christmas Winter 2023,2024....Eternal Rest. Especially in the terrible(New Dark Ages) times(2020's) in which we are living in with the ongoing events. Both manmade and natural disasters are increasing at a rate we have not seen in modern civilization.
Long Term Prayer Request for God's Healing and Protecting Peace in the months ahead?? Fall Christmas Winter 2023,2024..??
Please pass on to others to pray in the Worldwide Community of Prayer. Urgent! Long term.
In His Eternal Rest.
Bill and Carol. oh. usa
He keeps going online for games and videos and social media and I think it is bad for him.
Please God save him, now!
I am leaving this comment after having watched your documentary "Life in Hidden Life" on YouTube. I am a practicing Muslim and I was curious to observe other religions' practices. It is truly fascinating and admirable to see how the sisters dedicate themselves to what they believe, living comfortable, tranquil. and fulfilling lives.
Religion is what unifies us. There are many that appreciate what they do for their community, including myself; I wish the sisters the very best in their efforts.
Thank you for sharing a snippet of your lives with us!
I am a practicing Roman Catholic, having returned to the Faith after many years "away", & would be most gratefull if you could remember my family (who have fallen away from the Faith) & myself in your prayers that we may return to fullness of & appreciation for God's love for us. Thank you in advance for this Sisters!
God bless you all!
Frank & family
I just wanted to say thank you.
I recently saw a video from you ("Life In Hidden Light") and your loving kindness touched me. This deep kindness and love 'came' to me again when I remembered you in my evening prayer, and meditation, and helped me to realise how much I have been missing this outlook lately. Though this message is short it is an important thing that happened to me, and I feel the need to write about it to you. And as a minimum, thank you.
Thank You :-)
Your friend,
Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying with us daily for the long term.
Please continue to pray with us for God's Healing and Protecting Peace Now and in the Days ahead...Oct, Nov Winter 2022, 2023....Eterna Rest. Especially in the terrible times(2020's) of ongoing events. Both man made and natural disasters.
Long Term Prayer Request.
Please pass on to others you know of in the worldwide community of prayer??
In His Eternal Rest.
Bill and Carol. oh. usa
Greetings dear sisters, from Arizona. I saw your documentary on YouTube and was so impressed by your community.
I’m hoping you will pray for the repose of the soul of my beloved father, Aubrey Osman ( from Freshwater, Isle of Wight) who died March 2, 2021. I miss him so much. Also for my dear mother who is in Memory Care suffering with dementia at the age of 92. Also for my lovely 25 year old daughter with schizophrenia and autism but who has a huge spiritual capacity, loves God and who wants to become a Catholic one day. Her father is a Muslim, and although non practicing, would forbid it. Please pray for Mohamed’s conversion. Also please pray for me that I may grow ever closer to Christ and in my weakness may not stumble, but be true unto death.
Love and thankful for you all,
Susan Khan
I was then, and still am a Pentecostal believer. I am currently writing a book on the Virgin Mary, called the Handmaid of the Lord. Naturally, my viewpoint is a little different to yours but my encounter with you is mentioned. I am grateful to those few moments so long ago, which amongst others, have enabled me to appreciate the Blessed Mother to a greater degree than my traditions would normally allow. May you continue to know the blessings of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit on the work you do.
I hope you are all doing very well. It has been a while since I have visited your website or otherwise engaged with you, but my admiration for your work has not wavered. I felt compelled to reach out today to humbly ask for your prayers and faith in a few matters.
Namely, for all those who are suffering or alone or unsafe in some way, and need some form of help or comfort or strength. All those who need the time, space, opportunity and resources to heal from whatever is troubling them. I know very well how that feels and anything you can do to help with this would be much appreciated.
If I may, I'd particularly like to ask you to pray for and remember those with mental health issues, and also those who are struggling with unemployment and abuse, myself included. It's a difficult place to exist in, particularly when little to no change seems to be forthcoming.
Again, if I may say, I'd also like to ask you to pray for yourselves, other cloistered religious and their supporters in the world. You do so much praying for others, it makes me wonder how often you are prayed for in return. Perhaps you need them as much as the rest of us do.
Thank you again for your work and I hope that many of us will begin to feel the effects of your prayers soon. Please take care Sisters, and that goes for all those who read this page as well. Thank you and big hugs to you all.